The senotherapeutic nicotinamide riboside raises platelet nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide levels but cannot prevent storage lesion

Delabie W, Maes W, Devloo R, Van den Hauwe MR, Vanhoorelbeke K, Compernolle V, Feys HB

Platelet transfusion is essential for the acutely bleeding patient and for the patient at risk for bleeding during periods of thrombocytopenia. Platelet concentrate (PC) stock management is a tremendous challenge because of the limited shelf life. This is caused by a quick decline in platelet quality and by the risk of bacterial bloom during storage at 22°C. The latter may be prevented by pathogen inactivation techniques,1 but this comes at a cost of platelet damage2–4 and increased complexity during component processing.




In Vitro

Impact Factor
